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Event Series: Dose. Productions Presents Saints & Sinners

Dose. Productions Presents Saints & Sinners

Dose.Productions & Bloom Nightclub Presents…
Saints & Sinners
Saturday, November 2nd
“Saints and Sinners” celebrates the intricate balance of duality within the human experience. This theme invites all in attendance to embrace the complexities of their identities while challenging stereotypical roles related to sexuality. By intertwining traditional figures with underworld lore, the event creates a unique tapestry that honors the duality of human nature, encourages playful reflection, fosters connection, uplifts safe sexual expression, and ultimately celebrates the beautiful human complexity that resides within us all.
  • Bunny Pancake
  • Dose.
  • Ginger
  • Tachi and Tantö
  • Performances From:
  • The Circus Acts Insomniacs
  • Colin Burwell
  • Éowyn
  • Marloe Blu
  • Mz.Iris Wilde
This event is presented in a non-judgmental and safe manner for our Queer and Fem fam especially.
Doors at 9PM – 2AM